◈ In what ways does our rapidly-changing media landscape help the promotion of truth? In what ways does it harm the truth?
◈ How can we carefully balance the wisdom required to avoid being dragged into divisive conversations and harmful, polarising or fear-mongering online dialogues, while at the same time upholding the cause of justice, truth, and resisting passivity?
◈ What can we do to train our sense of truth? How can we create spaces in our communities for conversations to refine our understandings?
◈ What does it mean to be critical of the media we consume? How does this affect our sense of truth? What is the difference between being critical of a source of truth and being critical of other people?
Imagine, if you would, a world where practically all of the knowledge humanity has generated over the ages is instantly at your finger-tips. Where hundreds of millions of volumes of text can fit into your pocket.
Where you can instantly be alerted of an event that occured on the other side of the planet, or even some other planet.
You might have thought that such advances would have brought humanity more clarity of thought, perhaps a greater appreciation for knowledge. Yet, from one angle, our present age and especially our current decade, continues to be afflicted by an increasing confusion around the tools that we use to receive and share information.
A popular documentary has recently highlighted the harmful systems which have emerged from some of these tools.
Truth is a complex subject, and an ancient challenge. As we grow in our abilities to share and process information we must also develop our capacities to investigate, discern, and establish truth. As the planet cotninues to shrink and people of differing cultural contexts come together, we must learn to consult and share differing opinions, and build together in search of truth.
With this collection, Elevate hopes to begin to probe at some of the fascinating questions around truth, media, technology and our relationship with all of them. Where do you go when you're hungry for truth?
For those who might like to take a deeper dive into the subject of how technology shapes out social reality,
this paper might be a good starting point.
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